Sanity check

Before jumping into training models with the data, it’s a good practice to check the health of the data we are going to be working with.

Distribution of labels per patient

As we saw while we were loading the data, there might be some recordings that don’t have the full set of labels we are interested in. To account for this, we are going to obtain the label distribution per recording to be able to differentiate between fully labelled recordings and non-fully labelled recordings.

When going further in our analysis, it can be important to filter out the non-fully labelled recordings, at least, until we have a full working pipeline we are happy with.

import os
from glob import glob
from collections import Counter
from typing import List, Dict

from rich.progress import track
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import mne
import yasa

from import *

The steps we have to follow are:

  • Load the raw .edf file.
  • Extract transform the Annotations into Events and filter them using regex.
path_files = glob(os.path.join(path_data, "*.edf"))
raw =[0], preload=False)
Extracting EDF parameters from /media/2tbraid/antonia/PSG/PSG29.edf...
EDF file detected
Setting channel info structure...
Creating structure...
events, events_id = mne.events_from_annotations(raw, regexp='Sleep stage [A-Z]\d*')
Used Annotations descriptions: ['Sleep stage N1', 'Sleep stage N2', 'Sleep stage W']

When obtaining events from annotations, the annotations are encoded in sparse notation. To ease our analysis we can define a couple of functions to turn them back easily into human readable format again:



 swap_dict (dictionary:Dict)

Turns the keys into values and the values into keys.

Type Details
dictionary Dict dictionary to be swapped,
Returns Dict Swapped dictionary



 map_events (events, mapping:Dict)

Turns an encoded representation of the annotations into a human readable one using the corresponding mapping dictionary

Type Details
events events array obtained from mne.events_from_annotations().
mapping Dict dictionary mapping from encoded annotations to readable.
Returns List mapped events in human readable format.
assert len(events[:,-1]) == len(map_events(events, swap_dict(events_id)))

To wrap it up, let’s define a function that takes as input a path to a file and outputs its event annotations in human readable form:



 get_sleep_stages (path:str, verbose:bool=False)

Loads an .edf file and extracts the sleep stage labels in human readable form.

Type Default Details
path str Path to an .edf file.
verbose bool False Amount of information shown when loading the file.
Returns List annotations in human readable form.
sleep_stages = get_sleep_stages(path_files[0])
assert len(sleep_stages) == len(events[:,-1])

Once we have all the interest labels from a file extracted, we can use a Counter to obtain its distribution:

Counter({'Sleep stage W': 367, 'Sleep stage N1': 29, 'Sleep stage N2': 323})

Amount of sleep stages per patient

The main thing we want to check is the amount of different labels that are present in each file: We expect each file to have 5 sleep stages (W, N1, N2, N3, R). This will be an easy thing to obtain using the functions we have previously defined:

all_sleep_stages = {}
for path_file in track(path_files):
    file = path_file.split("/")[-1]
    sleep_stages = get_sleep_stages(path_file)
    all_sleep_stages[file] = sleep_stages

Now that we have all the stages per recording, we can obtain:

  • Quantity of stages per recording.
  • Number of different stages per recording.
all_quantity = {file:len(stages) for file, stages in all_sleep_stages.items()}
plt.figure(), all_quantity.values())
plt.title("Amount of sleep stages per recording")
plt.ylabel("Amouint of stages labelled")

all_different = {file:len(set(stages)) for file, stages in all_sleep_stages.items()}
plt.figure(), all_different.values())
plt.title("# of different sleep stages per recording")
plt.ylabel("# of different sleep stages")

Summing up

Thanks to this easy and quick exploration we have been able to recognize that the file PSG22.edf might have a problem because no stages are shown, and that files PSG29.edf, PSG10.edf, PSG23.edf, PSG32.edf and PSG28.edf might be problematic because they are missing some of the labels we are interested in. We can end this by creating a, for example, .csv file indicating the files that are completed and the ones that are not, so that we can choose which to load depending on what analysis we want to perform on our data.

df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(all_different, orient='index', columns=['DifferentStages'])
df.index.set_names("File", inplace=True)
df["Complete"] = df.DifferentStages == 5
DifferentStages Complete
PSG29.edf 3 False
PSG12.edf 5 True
PSG17.edf 5 True
PSG10.edf 4 False
PSG23.edf 3 False