Checking bad recordings

We found some potentially-incorrect recordings, so we are going to inspect them.

Patient 22

Doesn’t have any of the labels of interest.

In our previous inspection we found that this recording doesn’t have any of the labels of interest, so we are going to check which labels has to see if they have different names or if anything is wrong with it.

raw =, "PSG22.edf"), preload=False)
Extracting EDF parameters from /media/2tbraid/antonia/PSG/PSG22.edf...
EDF file detected
Setting channel info structure...
Creating structure...
Measurement date January 01, 2021 22:07:10 GMT
Experimenter Unknown
Participant Unknown
Digitized points Not available
Good channels 51 EEG
Bad channels None
EOG channels Not available
ECG channels Not available
Sampling frequency 512.00 Hz
Highpass 0.00 Hz
Lowpass 256.00 Hz
Filenames PSG22.edf
Duration 07:56:35 (HH:MM:SS)
<Annotations | 0 segments>

So it looks like the PSG22.edf doesn’t have any annotations attached to it. That’s why we weren’t getting any interest labels.